As her herd of bottle calves grew, Emily realized that she needed to come up with a plan for the future of the ranch. The outlook for Southern California ranchers was pretty bleak - between the drought and the back-up that COVID-19 caused at the packing houses, the chances of making any sort of start in the industry were poor. That's when the idea of selling direct to the consumer entered Emily's head.
Through bypassing the conventional method of selling the cows at the auction yard, E Montibus Ranch is able to handle the herd in a more natural and stress-free way. The cows are less likely to get disease through travel and don't need to be given antibiotics to maintain their immune system. We are also able to base our cow selection on taste and flavor rather than showy qualities the feedlot owner would be looking for at the auction.
By partnering with other Ventura County ranchers, E Montibus Ranch is able to offer pasture raised, local, antibiotic and hormone-free beef to customers in Southern California!